Predictive Scaling

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Before you begin

You need to have a Kubernetes cluster with Kapacity and Prometheus installed.

Make sure your Kubernetes cluster has a working DNS (like CoreDNS) to resolve Service domain names. If not, you need to adjust the configuration of Kapacity as follows:

Use the following command to view the ClusterIP and port of the Kapacity gRPC Server:

kubectl get svc -n kapacity-system kapacity-grpc-service
NAME                    TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)    AGE
kapacity-grpc-service   ClusterIP   <none>        9090/TCP   5m

Use the following command to update the configuration of Kapacity, where the parameters related to the Kapacity gRPC Server address are the values viewed in the previous step:

helm upgrade \
  kapacity-manager kapacity/kapacity-manager \
  --namespace kapacity-system \
  --reuse-values \
  --set algorithmJob.defaultMetricsServerAddr=<kapacity-grpc-server-clusterip>:<kapacity-grpc-server-port> 

Install and configure Ingress NGINX Controller

Kapacity IHPA’s predictive scaling uses the “Traffic-Driven Replicas Prediction” algorithm, so we need at least one traffic metric to use predictive scaling. Here we use Ingress NGINX as an example of workload ingress traffic.

If your Kubernetes cluster does not yet have Ingress NGINX Controller, please refer to the official documentation for installation.

After the installation is complete, follow this document to configure to ensure that Prometheus can collect the metrics of Ingress NGINX.

Configure Kapacity to recognize Ingress NGINX metrics

Use the following command to add the metrics of Ingress NGINX in the custom Prometheus metrics configuration of Kapacity:

kubectl edit cm -n kapacity-system kapacity-config
apiVersion: v1
  prometheus-metrics-config.yaml: |
    # add Ingress NGINX metrics in rules
    - seriesQuery: '{__name__="nginx_ingress_controller_requests"}'
      metricsQuery: round(sum(irate(<<.Series>>{<<.LabelMatchers>>}[3m])) by (<<.GroupBy>>), 0.001)
        as: nginx_ingress_controller_requests_rate
        template: <<.Resource>>
        # note: uncomment the overrides field below if your Prometheus is installed with Prometheus Operator
        # overrides:
        #   exported_namespace:
        #     resource: namespace
kind: ConfigMap

As you can see, this configuration is fully compatible with the Prometheus Adapter configuration, more background information can be found in this user guide.

Then, use the following command to restart Kapacity Manager to load the latest configuration:

kubectl rollout restart -n kapacity-system deploy/kapacity-manager

Run sample workload

  1. Download nginx-statefulset.yaml and run following command to run an NGINX workload:
kubectl apply -f nginx-statefulset.yaml

Check if the workload is running:

kubectl get po
nginx-0   1/1     Running   0          5s
  1. Download nginx-ingress.yaml and run following command to create an Ingress for the NGINX workload:
kubectl apply -f nginx-ingress.yaml

Verify that Ingress was created successfully and record the ADDRESS of Ingress:

kubectl get ing
NAME           CLASS   HOSTS               ADDRESS           PORTS   AGE
nginx-server   nginx   80      2d
  1. Download periodic-client.yaml,replace <nginx-ingress-address> with the ADDRESS of the Ingress recorded in the previous step, and then execute the following command to create a client Pod that sends requests to the NGINX service on a periodic basis (with 1 hour as 1 cycle):
kubectl apply -f periodic-client.yaml

It will generate periodic traffic as shown in the following figure:

Since the algorithm needs a certain amount of data for learning, it is recommended to run for at least 24 hours before proceeding to the next step.

Train time series forecasting model

Please refer to the user guide to use this configuration to complete the training of the time series prediction model, and then execute the following command to save the model and its accessory files as a ConfigMap for subsequent algorithm tasks to use, replace <model-save-path> with the actual model saving directory path:

kubectl create cm -n kapacity-system example-model --from-file=<model-save-path>

Create IHPA with dynamic predictive portrait provider

Download dynamic-predictive-portrait-sample.yaml which looks like this:

kind: IntelligentHorizontalPodAutoscaler
  name: predictive-sample
    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: StatefulSet
    name: nginx
  minReplicas: 1
  maxReplicas: 10
  - type: Dynamic
    priority: 1
      portraitType: Predictive
      - type: Resource
          name: cpu
            type: AverageValue
            averageValue: 1m
      - type: Pods
            name: kube_pod_status_ready
            type: NA
      - name: qps
        type: Object
            kind: Ingress
            name: nginx-server
            name: nginx_ingress_controller_requests_rate
            type: NA
        type: ExternalJob
            type: CronJob
                  schedule: "0/30 * * * *"
                          - name: algorithm
                            - --tsf-model-path=/opt/kapacity/timeseries/forecasting/model
                            - --re-history-len=24H
                            - --re-time-delta-hours=8
                            - --re-test-dataset-size-in-seconds=3600
                            - --scaling-freq=10min
                            - name: model
                              mountPath: /opt/kapacity/timeseries/forecasting/model
                              readOnly: true
                          - name: model
                              name: example-model
                          restartPolicy: OnFailure
            type: ConfigMap

Please replace the value of the algorithm parameter --re-time-delta-hours with the UTC offset value of your time zone, such as 8 for UTC+8 time zone, -7 for UTC-7 time zone.

Let’s look at the metrics first. In the “Traffic-driven replica prediction” algorithm, we need multiple types of metrics to jointly drive the algorithm, so we have agreed on the following metric configuration specification:

  • The first metric should be configured as the target resource metric of this workload, so the type can only be Resource or ContainerResource. It specifies the target resource level we expect IHPA to help us maintain.
  • The second metric should be configured as the online replica count metric of this workload. The algorithm will use this metric to query the historical Ready Pod (i.e., the Pod carrying traffic) count of this workload. The type of this metric can only be Pods. It will be aggregated on the workload dimension by regular matching of the Pod name for the query. Kapacity defaults to the kube_pod_status_ready metric based on kube-state-metrics for direct use. Note that since this metric is only used for historical query, we do not need to specify a target value for it. Therefore, we write a placeholder NA for its target type.
  • The third and subsequent metrics should be configured as traffic metrics (such as QPS, RPC, etc.) that are positively correlated with the target resource metric of this workload. The algorithm will perform time series prediction on these metrics, and then based on the historical resource level and replica count, it will give a predicted replica count that can meet the target resource level in the future. These metrics can be of any type other than Resource and ContainerResource, but note that you must set the same name for these metrics as set during training. Similarly, these metrics are also only used for historical queries, so you do not need to set target values.

Then let’s look at the algorithm parameters. Here is a brief explanation of the functions of a few key parameters. More information can be referred to the flags description of the algorithm script itself:

  • --re-history-len: This parameter specifies the historical length of the replica recommendation algorithm learning, it is generally recommended to cover at least two behavioral cycles of the application.
  • --re-time-delta-hours: This parameter specifies the UTC offset value of the time zone where the application is located, the replica number recommendation algorithm needs to sense the time zone information to learn the time features.
  • --re-test-dataset-size-in-seconds: This parameter specifies the test set size of the replica recommendation algorithm learning, default is one day (86400), only when the historical length is less than one day do you need to shorten it, such as setting it as one hour (3600) in this example.
  • --scaling-freq: This parameter specifies the accuracy of the final replica number prediction result of the algorithm, that is, the maximum frequency of actual scaling, so it cannot be shorter than the original prediction accuracy of the timeseries forecasting algorithm (the freq parameter used in timeseries forecasting model training). The algorithm will resample the original prediction result by the maximum value according to the given accuracy and output it. For example, if this parameter is set to 1 hour, the algorithm will finally give the maximum number of replicas needed by this workload every hour, and finally this workload will scale up and down at most once an hour.

Execute the following command to create this IHPA:

kubectl apply -f dynamic-predictive-portrait-sample.yaml

Verify results

  1. Verify that IHPA automatically created a CronJob to run the algorithm task, and the last task ran successfully:
kubectl get cj -n kapacity-system
NAME                                   SCHEDULE       SUSPEND   ACTIVE   LAST SCHEDULE   AGE
default-predictive-sample-predictive   0/30 * * * *   False     1        26m             2d1h
kubectl get job -n kapacity-system
NAME                                            COMPLETIONS   DURATION   AGE
default-predictive-sample-predictive-28286564   1/1           16s        28m
  1. Verify that the algorithm result was successfully written to the predictive horizontal portrait of IHPA:
kubectl get hp predictive-sample-predictive -o yaml
kind: HorizontalPortrait
  name: predictive-sample-predictive
  namespace: default
  - lastTransitionTime: "2023-10-25T11:00:00Z"
    message: portrait has been successfully generated
    observedGeneration: 1
    reason: SucceededGeneratePortrait
    status: "True"
    type: PortraitGenerated
    expireTime: "2023-10-25T11:30:00Z"
      - replicas: 4
        timestamp: 1698231600
      - replicas: 3
        timestamp: 1698232200
      - replicas: 2
        timestamp: 1698232800
    type: TimeSeries
  1. Verify that IHPA has adjusted the replica count of the workload according to the prediction result of the algorithm:
kubectl describe ihpa predictive-sample
  Type     Reason                Age                 From             Message
  ----     ------                ----                ----             -------
  Warning  NoValidPortraitValue  29m (x10 over 85m)  ihpa_controller  no valid portrait value for now
  Normal   UpdateReplicaProfile  25m                 ihpa_controller  update ReplicaProfile with onlineReplcas: 1 -> 4, cutoffReplicas: 0 -> 0, standbyReplicas: 0 -> 0
  Normal   UpdateReplicaProfile  15m                 ihpa_controller  update ReplicaProfile with onlineReplcas: 4 -> 3, cutoffReplicas: 0 -> 0, standbyReplicas: 0 -> 0
  Normal   UpdateReplicaProfile  5m9s                ihpa_controller  update ReplicaProfile with onlineReplcas: 3 -> 2, cutoffReplicas: 0 -> 0, standbyReplicas: 0 -> 0


Run following command to cleanup all the resources:

kubectl delete -f dynamic-predictive-portrait-sample.yaml
kubectl delete -f periodic-client.yaml
kubectl delete -f nginx-ingress.yaml
kubectl delete -f nginx-statefulset.yaml